7th Year. Because we really, really, reallllly want to excite you! Grand Renewal.Think!Think!


7th Year. Because we really, really, reallllly want to excite you! Grand Renewal.Think!Think!
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"To fall in love with critical thinking."
Think!Think! started off with this one idea and with the support of our users,
we have reached our 7th year anniversary this year!

"How can we help each children enjoy Think!Think! even more?"
"How can we let parents allow their children
to use Think!Think! with a greater peace of mind?"

In this renewal, we have compressed 7 years worth of our overflowing thoughts
and ideas into Think!Think!
Please enjoy the brand new Think!Think!
which was redeveloped by incorporating even more of our users' voices.

Info 1

More exciting than before

The purpose of the journey will stimulate motivation within each child.
With a new storyline of unraveling the mysteries of planet Think!Think! which is located 20 billion light years away, your children will be able to immerse themselves into the world of Think!Think! even more. As a member of the research center, from the renewed cockpit of our brand new rocket, dive in and discover the world of Think!Think!.

A top screen where each child is their own protagonist.

A top screen where each child is
their own protagonist.

Continuingly, each child will be able to choose their own type and color of their rocket. The color of the cockpit changes accordingly with the color of the rocket.

New rockets added;achieve an all new sense of accomplishment with the progress meter!

New rockets added;
achieve an all new sense of
accomplishment with the progress meter!

The variety of rockets have been increased with the numerous requests from the user population. Additionally, a rocket progress meter has been added to visually identify the progress required to unlock the next rocket. The collection of the hard-won rockets will lead to users' sense of accomplishment of their journey thus far.

Your selected partner will always be with you!

Your selected partner
will always be with you!

To familiarize and bond with the partner you will be traveling the galaxy with, we have included more interaction scenes with your partner. The space journey will begin by choosing your partner. Throughout the adventure across the galaxies, the partners will be the one that will encourage your child during both joyous occasions as well as times of hardship. They will serve as a steady hand of support for your child in their quest of the unknown.

Info 2

More challenging than before

Attention to the number of attempts and not the number of correct answers!

Attention to the number of attempts
and not the number of correct answers!

Even if your child is unable to obtain stars after each game, to allow children to have a sense of accomplishment, each planet will display the number of research attempts.

Intriguing the collector spirit An all new illustrated collection map!

Intriguing the collector spirit
An all new illustrated collection map!

We have upgraded Thinktopia and Premia's record pages into an illustrated collection map for children by doubling down on the concept of collecting for children who love collecting things.

Info 3

More of pursuing what you like

Add quizzes that you enjoy into your favorite quiz slot and play it anytime!

Add quizzes that you enjoy into your favorite quiz slot and play it anytime!

With this renewal, a favorite quiz slot has opened up for one quiz each for Thinktopia and Premier. By tapping on the "?" icon, you will be able to slot in quizzes that you have solved in the past and play it as many times as you want.

Even if you cleared the game, you will be able to reset and play again!

Even if you cleared the game,
you will be able to reset and play again!

The tower in Planet Babylon is known to evolve as each quiz gets solved. But with this renewal, a "reset" button will appear after one has completed all 50 quizzes in each tower. The reset button allows the user to return to the first quiz again. Please be reassured that the previous records of the challenges will remain unaltered so do challenge yourself.

Info 4

More security and thus, a greater peace of mind

User rankings can be toggled on and off from the settings!

User rankings can be toggled on
and off from the settings!

Thoughts on competing against others differ from child to child. Some may enjoy the competition, but others may want to play the game at their own pace. Think!Think! can be personalized to the child's preference. The ranking that appears after each quiz can now be adjusted from the user settings screen.

Play counts are limited to 3 quizzes per day so one doesn't overplay

Play counts are limited to 3 quizzes
per day so one doesn't overplay

The current play limitation is well received by its users and thus, it will be carried on after the renewal. Even if your child is in love with Think!Think!, you will not need to forcibly take your device away from your child. The time limit will ensure that your child develops healthy learning habits.